Tjornuvik @en

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Faroes (III)

Let’s continue the journeye…
1. Arriving in Tjornuvik, another isolated village known for its black sand beach, one of the very few beaches of the Faroes. The place is famous for surfing because the bay opens on the North Atlantic and have big waves when it’s windy.

2. The village is nestled at the bottom of the bay.

3. Overview as the rain doubles.

4. Here’s something I hadn’t seen before: a method to dry the hay that will feed the sheeps during the winter. As it rains all the time, it is arranged in walls. The constant wind prevents the grass from rotting and allows it to dry.

5. Rest zone!

6. Little pass on the way to Gjógv.

7. Arriving at the village, still in the rain.

8. It has a privileged natural shelter.

9. Traditional houses…

10. …

11. Last seen before leaving…

Because three days pass quickly, the next article will introduce you to the old city of Tórshavn, the capital, and the ferry crossing.
See you soon here 😀