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Southern California

So I’m back in the U.S. The contrast is striking after more than four weeks in Baja..!
After having taken care of Vivalavida who needed it after more than 1,500 miles of rough trails, I began my wy North towards San Francisco where I had to meet my twin brother who would travel with me a few weeks. This way began with a visit of Anza Borego desert, an arid region of southern California.
1. Chilly and windy Wake up above the desert.
2. In these mountains over 6,000 feet elevation, landscapes sometimes look like Nordic landscapes.
3. But once you go down behind the mountain barrier holding the rain, it’s a real desert.
4. The Salton Sea is a dead sea nestled in a valley at -213 feet elevation and is the scene of an unsolved mystery: quantities of birds die each year without anyone have clarified why…
5. But it remains photogenic! 🙂
6. Making a detour to the south of Los Angeles to meet a member of the Sportsmobile forum, I went through the San Jacinto Mountains, southwest of Indio.
7. Beautiful sunset light on the small Hemet Lake…
8. … nice place for a boondocking.
I then decided to follow the coast North and explore the Big Sur, iconic place for the post Flower Power period…
9. South of Moro Bay, showers on Pismo Dunes…
10. Sand flowers…
11. Moro Bay harbor and its famous rock.
12. The beach north of Moro Bay…
13. … homes colonies of elephant seals. What they stink! 😀
14. Nice face!
15. Lighthouse on the coast…
16. … and pastures worthy of Ireland!
17. Another shower passing.
18. Dark horizon…
19. … but begins to get clearer.
20. One of the marvels of the Big Sur: the McWay Falls, a waterfall that flows directly on the beach. Gorgeous!
21. Clearer late afternoon on this beautiful coast.
Following of my way North in a few days… 😉