First steps with family

My passengers well landed, we discovered the Reykjanes peninsula together before going to Reykjavik the next day to buy warm jackets to Isabelle and Emile.
1. Volcanic activity is strong on this promontory.

2. Emile is so happy to be back in “Dad’s truck”!

3. The lava that flowed to the sea creates beautiful cliffs.

4. Beautiful lake of Kleifarvatn.

5. Despite some showers, the weather is rather beautiful but a little cold, about 46F.

6. Lava fields covered with moss and lichen.

7. Iceland is undoubtedly the land of rainbows. 😉

8. Lava tunnel.

9. There are many here.

10. Assembly of 5 vertical images to show you a crater that appeared only a few hundred years ago.

11. After some shopping in Reykjavik, we had a very rainy day stretching the road on the South coast. We cross famous vehicles transformed to ride on the snow. Here, a van similar to VivaLaVida but mounted on huge wheels! VLV looks small compared.

12. The small church of Vik.

13. Dyrhólaey Promontory and its two natural arches.

14. Even if the site is very touristy, we take a walk to the Reynisfjara Beach and its needles.

15. Souvenir on the famous basalt pillars.

16. Dyrhólaey Beach.

17. On the other side, Reynisfjara.

More of the South Coast in the next update…

3 Commentsto First steps with family

  1. Midship says:

    De beaux spots , et de bons souvenirs.

    Il pousse Emile…..tellement vite que les pieds dépassent le cadre!!!!!LOL.

    Les arc en ciel….faut dire que question pluie ils sont servis

    • Claude-Alain says:

      Pour Emile, c’est en redressant l’horizon que je lui ai coupé les pieds… 😀

      On a eu de la chance pour la météo, en jouant avec les prévisions météos locale et en adaptant notre trajet en fonction…

  2. Gaël says:

    Absolument superbe et ça fait plaisir de voir quelques rayons de soleil ! La famille emmitouflée et au complet, il ne manque que toi sur une photo !

  3. Canyon says:

    Darn..meant to spell- coats !

  4. Canyon Haverfield says:

    Breathtaking…woosh! Super to see your wife and child involved..and nice choices in warm coast!