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Manufacture of cabinets began

A new work week ends and interior design begins to take place. All the walls of the cabinets above the cab and against the left wall are in place, which include locations of the oven, the fridge, the gray water tank, the electrical panel and my photogear bag place. The heater/water heater is also installed.

The next week will see the installation of the sofa and we’ll continue manufacturing cabinets, wardrobe closet and clothes shelfs.

Good week-end to all! 😀












Walls almost up

One of the most complicated stages of the interior construction is about to end: the installation of walls. Besides a brittle material, easy to scratch or break, the cuts necessary to adapt walls to VivalaVida structure where nothing is straight is not easy to do. But we do it pretty well out.

Now, the walls and windows of the roof and the ceiling are permanently installed and lower walls are ready to be . Everything will be consolidated by vertical members of furniture to come.







First step : insulation

Robert got me a particularly effective insulation: porous ceramic microspheres in a resin to spray. In addition to a factor outstanding insulation coefficient, it has the advantage of reaching remotest corners, hollow members, etc … Beautiful atmosphere during spraying!


It runs by itself!!

That’s it, VivalaVida is runing and moves by itself! 😉


The assembly continues…

With arrival of the transfer case, the mechanical assembly resumed without delay! Mounting the transfer case, installing a new pan on the transmission for better cooling, final assembly of the rear axle and main aluminum 39 gallons tank…









So, the list of remaining work decreases by eye ..! .-)


Brand new paint!

Here is VivaLaVida in her new dress. Not bad, isn’t it? 😉


Certainly, there are still quite a bit of work but the transfer case has finally arrived..! After 3 months of delay, it was time!


Soon a new color…

There were two things that led me to choose a complete new paint:

– Protect the fiberglass roof from UV

– Find a more discreet color than white to better blend in nature.

However, I wanted to keep a light shade to avoid overheating of the interior in bright sunshine. My choice is thus focused on the color “Pueblo Gold,” a standard Ford color easy to retouch if necessary.


The painting should be completed by the end of next week …